the world from space photos

the world from space photos. earth from space
  • earth from space

  • revelated
    Apr 27, 08:40 AM
    And once again people give Apple a pass for something that is clearly an issue.

    You mean to tell me that Apple, a company that seems to release fairly solid software, "neglected" to test that when disabling an option called LOCATION SERVICES, that it actually disabled location checking properly? Are some of you really so Jobsian?

    Call a spade a spade. There's no possible chance this was a mistake. They got caught. They should not be given a pass over it. If a user opts to disable Location Services, they were working under the false impression that their location was no longer being tracked. Seems mighty shifty to me. Doesn't matter how much data might have been user-identifiable. This sounds like something Google would do, not Apple.

    the world from space photos. the world#39;s leading space
  • the world#39;s leading space

  • Silentwave
    Aug 18, 10:17 AM
    I know if it is it will work, what i'm asking is, is it? Or is that not known at this time?

    Not known. There might be other concerns apart from the socket compatibility: FSB, firmware, and in particular the heat output.

    the world from space photos. the shape of the world#39;s
  • the shape of the world#39;s

  • shrimpdesign
    Aug 7, 05:52 PM
    I'm sure I'm not going to hate it, it's probably gonna be fabulous, but it's not an innovation as Steve advertises it. In fact, not a single thing they showed about Leopard up to now is an innovation. Everything already exists somehow. I'm not complaining about the new features of the OS, but about how they present them. They're all (hopefully) improved versions of existing stuff!!
    Innovation isn't creating new ideas, but improving them.

    For instance, Spotlight searching wasn't new. BeOS had something similar. But Apple improved it and integrated it into their OS.

    See, I have Virtue desktops. I've tried Desktop Manager, You Control: Desktops. But they're all just hacks. Spaces looks mcuh cleaner, simpler and elegant than any of those. That's what I expect from Apple, and they did not let me down.

    As for Time Machine, no the idea is not new, even for Microsoft. But Apple is making it simple. Easy enough for mom and dad to use. Personally I think having a wormhole-space interface is kickass.

    the world from space photos. The World#39;s Biggest Space
  • The World#39;s Biggest Space

  • shrimpdesign
    Aug 7, 03:19 PM
    Features I want:

    -iChat screen sharing (awesome idea!) and video effects
    -Spaces (finally a Apple OS-level implementation)
    -Time Machine (I want a friggin wormhole on my computer!)

    I wish they'd show us the Top Secret features.

    But seriously, so one even saw Time Machine coming. That was a surprise!

    the world from space photos. Friday#39;s space shuttle launch
  • Friday#39;s space shuttle launch

  • cloudnine
    Jul 14, 04:08 PM
    To charge $1800 for a system that only has 512MB is a real disappoitment. 1GB RAM oughta be standard, especially with Leopard being on the horizon.

    Unless the Xeon is that expensive (which I can't see how it would be), I don't see that as anything except creating some seperation between the configurations.

    I agree... my buddy got a macbook pro and it came standard with 512mb of ram. For the first 3 or 4 days, he thought he purchased a defective notebook, it ran so badly. Opening MS Office applications literally took minutes, and that was with nothing else open. He took it back into the Apple store and the rep told him that his problem was his ram, so he purchased another 1gb (1.5gb total), and now it runs perfectly. You'd think that with all of these intel machines being released and a huge selection of software not being Universal yet, that 1 gig of ram would be standard...

    kinda a$$h0lish if you ask me. :mad:

    the world from space photos. the world from space at night.
  • the world from space at night.

  • Cowinacape
    Jul 14, 09:14 PM
    I really don't see the need for any case changes for the towers (other than adding at least one more 5 inch bay, which I am all for) instead of redeigning the case for the sake of it, why not pocket the saving in design, and tooling, and pass some along to the consumer. I don't recall any big case changes to the mini, or imac in the G5 - intel change over.

    the world from space photos. attended World Space Expo
  • attended World Space Expo

  • happyduck42
    Apr 19, 02:12 PM
    According to Wikipedia It was released in Feb before the iPhone was released..

    Wikipedia is wrong then; it was announced in Feb after the iPhone in January 2007.

    the world from space photos. The world#39;s first space
  • The world#39;s first space

  • babyj
    Sep 19, 07:43 AM
    Actually, yes. I use my laptop as a portable desktop, and I do a lot of different things with my computer. My current PowerBook G4 is capable of some of them, but really not practical for many (scientific computing, ray-tracing molecular models, etc.). A current yonah-based MBP would certainly be faster, but it would still be a 32-bit processor, and like many other pro-users, I don't want to have to buy a new machine every year.

    Maybe I'm missing something here, but I'd of thought buying the latest and fastest computer every year would be the first thing a 'pro-user' would do with his money.

    If speed really is that important to all you 'pro-users' why are so many of you using older computers which are far slower than the current Macbooks that have been available for many months?

    If I did something for a living which required heavy cpu processing, spending $1,000 updating it (cost price less resell price of old) would be the best $1,000 I could spend as I'd get the money back through increased productivity very quickly.

    the world from space photos. Our World Game Space at
  • Our World Game Space at

  • AppleJustWorks
    Aug 26, 05:19 AM
    in my experience, their support has always sucked..even from day 1 with my first PowerMac G5 back in 2004.

    Let's see...

    PowerMac G5 arrived with a defective superdrive, miscalibrated fans. The genius 'couldn't hear the fans', and accidentally put the repair in someone else's name, so when I tried to pick it up, I had to haggle to get it. Oh, and when I did finally get it, the superdrive was still broken. Super...

    Cinema Display arrived with 7 dead pixels...I know this is a touchy issue, but the problem with their support regarding it was that none of them knew the actual number to replace it at. The phone people told me 5, the store (after the 45 minute drive there) told me 15, and another rep (who finally replaced it) told me 3.

    iMac G5 had a defective power supply on arrival--would shut off randomly, some times not turning on. They refused to acknowledge this the first time we were there...the second time we were there...third time...fourth time they gave in--by saying "we'll keep it overnight." They still.."couldn't find a problem." When they gave it back, it worked for..two weeks, then the fans started being wonky. They couldn't hear that the first or second visit, on the third visit they took it overnight, "couldn't hear any audible issue", but it shutdown on them. I guess taking our word for it, they replaced the fan assembly, logic board, and power supply. Worked for a month, now it still shuts down.

    MacBook Pro had the defective battery (random shutdowns), now fixed. Also, I had the screen buzz (now fixed), CPU A Whine (now fixed). They basically fixed all the issues in this machine, but were four days over their expected return time.

    I'm not saying their support is totally crap, but they're certainly not consistent in performance, technical knowledge, friendliness, or even coverage. I was talking to a friend about "what I'd do if I were Steve Jobs," and the first thing we agreed on was to fire the entire AppleCare department, and all the genius', because they all seem to suck.

    But hey, my iBook G4 and MacBook are fine...

    the world from space photos. name: SAPPORO Space Barley
  • name: SAPPORO Space Barley

  • MacinDoc
    Sep 19, 02:08 AM
    there's no reason not to switch to Core 2 Duo as they sell for the same price as Core Duo and are drop in replacement.. the only possible reason for the delay is supply shortage.. it's not unusual to see PC vendors announce new processors even though they are unable to ship them at that time, but at the same time they keep options for the older model, which ships instantly.. Apple thinks differently, they will announce the update when they're ready to ship and starting that day they cease selling the older models.. I think thats fair.. the only difference is that they don't make announcements several weeks in advance..

    Apple has no reason not to follow Intel's speed bumps, because on each speed bump the prices shifts towards the lower models, in other words Intel keeps the prices the same but speed bumps at every level.. if Apple does not update, they're keeping extra money in their pockets..

    as for the updates, I'm curious wheter it's gonna be just a processor switch or wheter they will also move from ATi to nVidia as they did in iMacs.. ATi is now owned by AMD and maybe somehow Apple bets more on nVidia because of using Intel processors only.. also I don't expect MXM slots for video cards for the same reason there's no processor socket in MBP, they ough to keep this as tight as possible..
    What is wrong with you people? Meroms in other brands of laptops haven't, or are only *just* starting to ship, and you people wail that Apple is doomed, when in the worst case scenario, they'll be a few days behind Dell. If they don't ship by next month, then sure, complain, but really, most of those who moan that Apple is "OMG SO OUTDATED MEROM MBPS SHOULD HAVE BEEN RELEASED 2 MONTHS AGO!!!" are out of touch with reality.

    the world from space photos. Tethers in Space
  • Tethers in Space

  • dhc
    Aug 11, 11:05 AM
    I'm stuck in a contract for another year, so I'll be watching to see how this pans out. Hopefully, I'll be able to jump on a Rev B without reservations.

    Given Apple's patent on the click-wheel interface, what do you think the likelihood of a virtual rotary phone interface? There are plenty of people who are now adults who've never 'dialled' a phone. It would be really slick if Apple could find a way for all of us old-farts to re-activiate our kinaesthetic memories and dial up and old friend using the click wheel on our new iPhones.


    Loving that idea..54820

    the world from space photos. The space met boys say Mars
  • The space met boys say Mars

  • macfan881
    Sep 7, 01:06 PM

    no defintly saw the logo for 5 in the game.
    here are some vids from other various website that are on the demo

    the world from space photos. Outer-space in Out of This
  • Outer-space in Out of This

  • dukebound85
    Aug 4, 10:17 PM
    i thought this game was vaporware

    the world from space photos. regions in space where it
  • regions in space where it

  • eeboarder
    Jul 27, 03:25 PM
    this blog was also written by jason o'grady, aka the PowerPage rumor site. his writing means nothing to me.

    It is a rumor.....just like many other things including almost everything on this site. You just have to decide for yourself really.

    the world from space photos. space station
  • space station

  • SgtPepper12
    Apr 27, 08:13 AM
    Oh my god I knew it! Apple collects the data and does evil things with it! I can't imagine what kind of evil things they are going to do with it!

    No, seriously, I really don't. Printing out huge posters with a map of your latest locations saying "LOOK AT WHERE THIS GUY WAS. HE WAS AT THE SUPERMARKET LATELY. HE SURELY BOUGHT SOME THINGS THERE, LIKE TOMATOES. YEAH THIS KIND OF THINGS." maybe.
    Strange people.

    the world from space photos. the World. Space Shuttle
  • the World. Space Shuttle

  • mc68k
    Dec 9, 01:06 AM
    well turns out you win the delorean s2 in part of the game. so much for that epic purchase :(

    one cool thing about this game is since im in front of screen a lot ive been listening to some good new music while playing. been getting back in the old zone. a lot of the old tracks are coming back to me. i can hit a lot of the corners from memory

    the required oil change for all used cars sucks. i put in the code for my free car from pre order. got the nascar and the mclaren stealth. that car is even better than my fully tricked out F40! i tried it on a practice track and it felt much smoother.i almost feel liek its cheating with the SS racing tires. oh well it's still fun and if you miss a corner badly it's still your fault and you lose, so theres till some challenge there.

    edit: looks like i cant sell the delorean. anyone want to trade?

    the world from space photos. Monika#39;s World : A space where
  • Monika#39;s World : A space where

  • fivepoint
    Apr 27, 03:04 PM
    Oh boy. Fivepoint, you wouldn't have happened to visit any such site, now would you?

    As stated earlier, which you conveniently ignored, I found the article on the Drudge Report. Am I not allowed to read the Drudge Report? Should I keep it exclusively to HuffPo in the future? I read them both, but you tell me how I should do it.

    So typical, focus on the messenger and not on the message. Your guys posts are so littered with red herrings and strawmen its almost beyond imagination.

    the world from space photos. Well fine, space travel is
  • Well fine, space travel is

  • vincenz
    Apr 6, 10:42 AM
    I'm curious to see what they have up their sleeves for this.

    the world from space photos. Found on Alien World
  • Found on Alien World

  • macrumors12345
    Apr 19, 01:50 PM
    It's ambiguous whether they mean the beginning of March, the end of March, or somewhere in between. This will have a huge impact on the iPad numbers since iPad 2 didn't go on sale until March 11, and has been severely constrained since then.

    Jul 20, 09:28 AM
    ...Quad Duo?
    ...Quadra Duo?
    ...the "holy hell this is faster than you'll ever need" Mac? :D

    Ha, if only. ;) The difference between software developers "taking advantage" of new functionality and "bloatware" is a matter of semantics at times.

    Mar 22, 12:57 PM
    I agree.

    But who in their right minds would want to own something called a Playbook? :o

    The iPad isn't exactly a name to write home about either. Then, neither is TouchPad, Xoom, or Galaxy Tab.

    Apr 19, 02:48 PM
    The First Commercial GUI
    Xerox's Star workstation was the first commercial implementation of the graphical user interface. The Star was introduced in 1981 and was the inspiration for the Mac and all the other GUIs that followed.


    Mar 22, 12:56 PM
    I agree.

    But who in their right minds would want to own something called a Playbook? :o

    Hugh Hefner of course.. :cool:

    Nov 28, 07:48 PM
    If we're already paying a royalty on blank CD-Rs because they say we are using Limewire, then aren't those of who aren't using Limewire essentially paying to use a service which we are not using?

    By my logic, if we are already compensating the music industry through our purchases, we should then be entitled to use the services I just found out from these posts that we are paying for!

    They'd have us go back to CD-format if they could, and impose whatever restrictions necessary to control whatever we do.