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  • Bosunsfate
    Aug 8, 12:46 AM
    Well I for one was kind of disappointed. Leopard is sort of Apple's chance to prove they can out-Vista Vista, and I'm not really sure what we saw today does it. I've been following Vista somewhat closely, and it really does catch Windows up to OS X in terms of features and prettiness.

    I really think most of the features shown off today are already present in Windows (I've definitely heard about all of them before) or will be in Vista, and it's too bad Apple didn't have anything truly innovative to show us. Hopefully those secret features are something good...

    I have seen plenty of beta Vista versions and they have nothing like Spaces or Time Machine....or frankly anything I saw today.

    Why don't you point out something specific rather blather on with such nonsense.

    detailed central park map. north-a map detailed map
  • north-a map detailed map

  • Stridder44
    Jul 14, 03:52 PM
    1) This is all rumour and speculation...
    2) At the price that OEMs charge for memory, less RAM is better. We can fill it with whatever we pick.

    I used to side with the people complaining about not having enough standard RAM but not after reading that. You get a gold star.

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  • Fullsize Central Park Map

  • Westside guy
    Aug 11, 02:27 PM
    Hmm... maybe I stand corrected on this - see paragraph three (or four, if you count bullet points as a paragrapn).

    T-Mobile USA to End Network Venture with Cingular and Acquire California/Nevada Network and Spectrum (

    I was curious; so I went into my V600's network settings and found a Cingular network. I registered with it, and was able to make a call.

    I don't understand why this isn't automatic though. I don't always have coverage at times when my Cingular-using office mate does.

    detailed central park map. Central park map
  • Central park map

  • DoFoT9
    Aug 18, 05:38 AM
    A blue PS3 is a nice idea.

    pretty darn cool! won't go very well with the black look that i am after though ;)

    detailed central park map. For detailed information about
  • For detailed information about

  • Tomaz
    Aug 7, 04:30 PM
    If you were picking on's Stationery I'd probably agree with you.

    None of the things that Time Machine have been compared to seem even close to what they are planning to do. Including my own VMS file versioning analogies. System Restore is not capable of restoring a single file, and particularly not within a running application. It seems kind of more like a system wide undo function when it comes to files...


    I'm not comparing it to system restore but to Volume Shadow Copy from Windows Server 2003. File-by-file snapshot by MS 3 years ago!
    I think Time Machine looks and probably is good, but after having seen all the pictures of the banners at WWDC mocking Vista, I expected someting REALLY NEW, not just warmed up. If they can't show the super super secret new stuff yet, then they shouldn't have used those banners. I find that arrogant...

    detailed central park map. Click here for Map Quest for
  • Click here for Map Quest for

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 11, 04:24 PM
    Browsing the Internet, Calendar, Checking Mail, Listening to songs, Texting, Multitasking, Notifications, Cut-Copy-Paste, ability to open and use Office files, basic tools like Currency converters, To-Do lists etc. These are what i believe encompasses in a "smartphone", and here's the newsflash: Android OS meets them perfectly.

    "Perfectly?" Really?

    I can do everything you listed above in iOS just as well as Android - and in many cases better - except in the area of notifications. An area in which iOS truly does suck. How Apple has not yet fixed this boggles the mind.

    The iPhone was late on MMS, Multitasking, Cut-Copy-Paste, and now it's going to be a notification system.

    If you're going to use "late" as a barometer of success, Android was "later" than iOS at doing just about everything else.

    Plus, browsing the internet and checking mail is much better on a bigger screen.

    Yep, like an...iPad? :p

    I feel the App Store is just an added feature, and that's why i'd get an iPod Touch for.

    Of course. Those bajillion apps, most of which completely destroy Android in quality, are an unimportant aside.

    Android OS already has the "smartphone" features down, and they're just working on the bonus features such as the Android App Store.

    If Google thinks like you - that the App Store is merely a "bonus feature" - this war will be won by Apple.

    detailed central park map. Here, I combined two detailed
  • Here, I combined two detailed

  • gnasher729
    Mar 26, 07:05 PM
    so, it's beta #1? Feature complete but still has bugs to iron out.
    Golden master is usually when they are confident of no bugs isn't it?

    Golden master is the one that gets shipped.

    "Golden master candidate" is one with no known bugs that need fixing, but there are plenty of people still testing, so you expect new bugs to come up that need fixing. You fix them and have a new "Golden master candidate". With the first "Golden master candidate" you are usually quite sure that there will be bugs found.

    And you _know_ there are bugs in the Golden Master, you just reached the point where you aren't finding any more bugs. Some customers tend to be quite good at finding them :mad: which is why you have 10.6.1, 10.6.2 and so on.

    detailed central park map. Team RSDSA in Central Park!
  • Team RSDSA in Central Park!

  • eastercat
    Apr 6, 02:21 PM
    This can't be right. MR posters have assured me that the Xoom is better than the iPad. I mean, if you can't trust MR posters, whom can you trust?Dude, you forgot to use your android fan-filter. :p

    Yep, not bad considering it's $800 without contract.This is why the xoom won't sell as well as the ipad. It needs to offer a low-end introductory model.
    Andy Ihnatko wrote if an ipad competitor were to have a weekend retreat about the goals of their tablet, then a sub $500 price wouldn't be a bad place to start. Granted, that can't be its only feature, because Dell has proven that a cheap price won't bring them in droves. However, if that's the starting point and then the manufacturer adds the requisite features, the tablet might do well.

    detailed central park map. Alberta Road Map, Detailed,
  • Alberta Road Map, Detailed,

  • rtdunham
    Aug 27, 10:07 AM
    As far as "legalities" go, usually corporations do have to generally not take unsolicited ideas, commercials, marketing materials, etc. developed by the public. The reason for this is that they want to avoid being sued later on if they do something similar. ...the more obvious examples would be things where, for example, someone designs a new computer and sends it to Apple; Apple eventually releases something quite similar to it, and the person who sent in the design tries to sue them for taking their idea and not paying anything for it.-Zadillo

    but wouldn't it be neat to see a computer maker have a website for submission of ideas: you type in your idea, and get a message that says, "IF we choose to use your idea, you'll receive $1 per unit; if you agree to those terms, hit the "SEND" button now."

    Imagine all the 'puter features, (cheap lyric theft intended) that might be in today's units, if they incorporated ideas suggested on these forums alone in the past 5 yrs. It'd be fun to see someone compile a list. Here's a start: Ports on the FRONT of desktop units; easy-swap HD bays on laptops; built-in memory card readers; built-in iPod dock; etc.

    Look at the stuff on YOUR desk: how much could be consolidated into the computer itself? Think about what you wish your computer could do that it can't do, now.

    detailed central park map. Park map: Detailed Street
  • Park map: Detailed Street

  • leekohler
    Feb 28, 09:24 PM
    I do not know the cause, it appears scientists do not either. Since no one appears to know, what could you possibly have expected from me?

    Well, then why do expect us to explain it to you? Why do you expect us to justify who we are? We are who we are and we have just as much to offer the world as you do. We have families, talents and love just like anyone else. Love is rare. Why would you deny that to two adults who truly care about each other? To me, that's sick and disgusting. Keep your religion to yourself. Wallow in it's BS as much as you want. But keep it out of our lives.

    detailed central park map. Detailed map of this famous
  • Detailed map of this famous

  • bcharna
    Aug 5, 10:17 PM
    EVERYONE is missing something that MUST be updated A.S.A.P.!

    AirPort Base Stations!

    Express and especially the Extreme. The Extreme is YEARS old!!
    :eek: :eek:

    detailed central park map. detailed central park map.
  • detailed central park map.

  • Multimedia
    Aug 23, 10:38 AM
    My Quad G5 is silent as well, unlike Dual 2.7's which rev frequently.

    I was concerned that the fans at the rear ports never spin, even during the Apple Hardware Test, but I've noticed that in other Quads as well. CPU temps are 50 to 60 degrees celcius.
    Multimedia, would you confirm both with your Quad G5, please?How do I do that? I never hear any fans from it. Analysis temperature Software links?

    detailed central park map. Central Park, New York map.
  • Central Park, New York map.

  • gloss
    Sep 19, 06:52 AM
    As I is naught en Amerikan canned sumone plz tell mi wen tanksgifting is? :p

    British Transport: "Mayday, mayday! Can you hear us? We are sinking! We are sinking!"

    German Coast Guard: [pause] "...what are you...tsinking about? ("

    detailed central park map. Detailed Map - South Central
  • Detailed Map - South Central

  • Amazing Iceman
    Apr 7, 10:49 PM
    Weird... I think there's more involved in this than we can imagine.

    One thing that comes to my mind is the possibility they were holding their stock to sell it outside the country, as there's been a high demand and higher value to sell overseas.

    Or... a competitor made an arrangement with Be$t Buy to sell a minimum quota a day (well... very odd, but possible) for who knows what reason.

    It's a strange concept on BB's part, but if I had a store I would sell all my stock if there's a demand for it. If I hold off, my customers would be driven away to a competitor and I would loose both present and future sales.

    detailed central park map. detailed central park map.
  • detailed central park map.

  • studiomusic
    Apr 10, 10:31 AM
    It's that they never have announced pro-level products at/alongside professional trade shows prior to this. CES is one thing, but I don't ever recall Apple ever placing any presence at/during NAB or AES (the latter of which they would present something related to the Logic Pro) before.

    They did it in 2007... I was there.
    Back when Myspace was cool. (

    detailed central park map. Detailed Map of Central Park
  • Detailed Map of Central Park

  • rdowns
    Apr 27, 02:10 PM
    OK, let's move onto Obama's grades. When Obama caves and releases those, citing more important issues we need to deal with, the press will then go after his professors and classmates. What else will the wingnuts ask for?

    detailed central park map. Red Lory In The Central Park
  • Red Lory In The Central Park

  • Squire
    Jul 15, 08:12 AM
    A real mess? That's one fine looking machine. IMO

    Yeah, I wish I had the 4 grand to buy one. I guess that's one of the reasons I can't get too excited about these (rumored) new machines. No way in hell I'll be able to afford one. way in hell I'll be able to justify spending that much on a computer (Read: "I'd like to but I have a wife and I would never be able to convince her." BTW, how's life, ~Shard~? :D)

    Again, as millions of other MacRumors members have pointed out, a cheap Mac Pro would rock. But, alas... <Sigh>


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  • detailed central park map.

  • jeanlain
    Apr 12, 02:14 AM
    - removal of "insufficient content" ...
    :confused: so FPC should create content?
    The major thing, though, is they HAVE to start utilizing multiple cores. It's not and as video gets larger, rendering gets more taxing.
    They do. FCP regularly uses more than 100% CPU during render. Not saying it can't be improved though.

    detailed central park map. Detailed Map - North Central
  • Detailed Map - North Central

  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 4, 05:05 PM
    (Unfortunately this is an actual screen grab of their website from today - they are not homophobic at all, really...)

    Woof. Those guys are hot. :cool:

    Chris Bangle
    Aug 11, 11:43 AM
    I agree at least since the iPod. As an investor, I hope Apple executes their plan well. The mobile phone business is getting crowded all of a sudden e.g. Best Buy, Disney, ESPN etc. I think it will come down to design e.g. Razr.


    I think the main reason the razr's such a sucess is beacuse it soo cheap. It so easy to get one free with your contract in the UK. Not only does it look alrite but its massivly affordable

    Jul 20, 10:09 AM
    eight cores + Tiger = Octopussy?!?

    Sep 14, 04:49 PM
    He's totally mistaken! The Cloverton CPUs will *all* be 64-bits, as Woodcrest (found in current Mac Pros) is. Intel is not going to ever go back to a 32-bit Xeon class CPU.

    The difference between Woodcrest and "Tigerton" is that Woodcrest CPUs achieve their "dual core" status by basically placing two complete Xeon CPUs under one outer casing, and making them communicate with each other through the front-side bus on the motherboard.

    Cloverton will be the same way, but with 4 cores packed into one casing, instead of just two.

    "Tigerton" will finally allow both cores to interconnect with each other through an internal interface built into the CPU, instead of slowing communications down by routing it off one CPU core, through the motherboard's front-side bus, and back onto the other core.

    I got this great response this morning from my IT snob:
    "Where in that linked article does it say 64bit? I see 65 nm, but not 64 bit. Duct taping two 32 bit cores together may get you Mac 64 bit processing... great for drawing cool pictures."

    Anyone have a link that shows that Clovertown is 64 bit? Please help me to defeat this PC IT ogre

    Aug 7, 07:26 AM
    Hey Guys.

    When do you think they'll update their website with the new "Mac Pro's"?



    Sep 13, 12:47 PM
    Anyone seen this?

    The real architecture changes are coming June then June then June 2012. With derivatives in the years between.

    So Merom(Merom Santa Rosa)/Conroe/Woodcrest(Clovertown) are the end of the road of separate chips. No more mobile/desktop/sever chip... all are the same (should expect mobiles to have the lowest MHz, then desktop, then toping out with server)

    And what's interesting is that each architecture change will be a leap in performance similar to Pentium D to Conroe transition. (source) (

    Screw Tigerton, Penryn's next (probably June 2007)