boost mobile galaxy prevail

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  • Michael Scrip
    Apr 26, 03:01 PM
    Once again, Apple's stubborn insistance on not licensing out their OS will lead to the marginalization of their hardware. Once iOS hardware is marginalized, you'll see developers shift their focus away to the Android platform -- which will see better app releases and better integration between mobile and tablet OS.

    The handwriting is on the wall for Apple. They lost the desktop battle because they were too focused on short-term profit (selling the computer + software) and now they've lost the mobile battle because they were, again, too focused on short-term profit (selling the phone + the OS).

    Apple is a hardware company! That's what they do!

    Of course Google licenses out their Android OS... that's all they can do.

    You keep saying "Apple lot the battle..."

    Which battle is that? Apple just sold 18 million iPhones this past quarter... and 16 million iPhones the previous quarter. Any other manufacturer would KILL for those numbers... especially considering Apple only makes 5 phones. How many Android phones are there?

    "Android" is simply some software from Google that you can find on 50+ phones. Sure... if you combine them all, their numbers are greater than Apple's numbers.

    But market share isn't the goal... that's just a fanboy argument.

    boost mobile galaxy prevail. Samsung Galaxy Prevail
  • Samsung Galaxy Prevail

  • dr_lha
    Aug 11, 10:51 AM
    You can drop in Merom into the current socketed Yonah lines. That is what I was getting at. I know that the link ( that was posted was to a Conroe chip though.

    I was responding to a link to a Conroe chip. Hence why I said that there is no Mac that the *linked Conroe* chip can be put into *apart from maybe the Mac Pro* which has the right socket.

    Again, you're just reading my post incorrectly.

    boost mobile galaxy prevail. Boost Mobile To Release
  • Boost Mobile To Release

  • doubleusn
    Mar 28, 09:45 AM
    Maybe not at WWDC, but I don't see them waiting till Fall to put out new iPhone hardware, hold iOS5 till then, maybe, but not new hardware.

    They risk losing people to Android, WebOS, etc... as the remaining iPhone3GS people all start coming off of contract, and nobody will go iPhone4 knowing 5 is just months away.

    This waiting around also gives 3GS users a few months to check out other products (new Pre w/WebOS, etc). Apple does not want people looking around during that break time.

    boost mobile galaxy prevail. Samsung Galaxy Prevail for
  • Samsung Galaxy Prevail for

  • lPHONE
    May 6, 12:24 AM
    to be fair, the rumor puts this out 2 years, and ARM does have higher-end chips planned.


    Very true. Listen to the man.
    There's many analysts that believe ARM will supersede Intel.

    boost mobile galaxy prevail. Samsung Galaxy Prevail boost
  • Samsung Galaxy Prevail boost

  • jmcrutch
    Apr 18, 04:17 PM
    While I don't care who sues who - in the end the laywers win. ....

    Actually, YOU win. The United States provides for patents to "promote" and "further" advancements in the things that we all come here to discuss everyday. One can argue the merits of such a system but that is one of the purposes of the patent laws. Basically, incentive to make the world a better place for all.

    Take away the incentive and there might not be as much innovation.

    boost mobile galaxy prevail. Galaxy Prevail only 179.99 on
  • Galaxy Prevail only 179.99 on

  • AAPLaday
    Mar 27, 05:00 AM
    There is a new ipad coming out in the fall. Its called the iPod Touch and its 4 inches big :p

    boost mobile galaxy prevail. Samsung Galaxy Prevail Photos
  • Samsung Galaxy Prevail Photos

  • orthorim
    Apr 25, 07:34 AM
    Well, we will have to disagree there :)

    I think Apple puts form/Style above function, and will make a device that does not work very well, or is comfortable/practical for a human to use, simply so that it looks cool and people want to buy it.

    Is that why you bought the iPad? One would think if you have an iPad, you'd already see the error in judgement that you made there. Just because Apple stuff looks cool doesn't mean it's sacrificing function - to the contrary.

    If you've used an iPhone, or iPad, for any period of time you'd know that.

    Other computer makers put wavy lines, green blinking lights and all sorts of other kitsch on their machines - by kitsch I mean design features that have no function, that are there only to look "good".

    When has Apple made a device that didn't work very well??? You'd have to go all the way to the Newton for that. And that happened while Steve Jobs was away, not a co-incidence. Ever since the iPod, it's been hit after hit.

    boost mobile galaxy prevail. Samsung Galaxy Prevail will be
  • Samsung Galaxy Prevail will be

  • senc01a
    May 6, 06:01 AM
    If this turns out to be real, and windows 8 doesn't support ARM or for whatever reason doesn't run on Apple ARM laptops, this will be a major disaster.
    Even though I hardly ever use windows, I migrated to Mac because I could use it if I ever needed to.

    boost mobile galaxy prevail. Boost Mobile Samsung Galaxy
  • Boost Mobile Samsung Galaxy

  • chrmjenkins
    May 4, 05:07 PM
    but she is heavenly :)

    btw, love the name selections
    haven't figured out wilmer and rosius, though.

    Rhon, Wilmer and Rosius are completely made up. I also didn't come up with 'villian'. ravenvii is the mastermind behind that one.

    boost mobile galaxy prevail. Samsung Galaxy Prevail (Boost
  • Samsung Galaxy Prevail (Boost

  • pkson
    Apr 7, 10:06 AM
    And I'm betting Steve gloats about how little the competition have sold at the next keynote.

    I'll internet high-five you when he does because that sounds exactly like what will happen. haha

    boost mobile galaxy prevail. The Galaxy Prevail is not a
  • The Galaxy Prevail is not a

  • Multimedia
    Jul 22, 04:30 PM
    I would really like to see Apple have a laptop cheaper than $1,100, and I think there would be a definite market for the, especially for teenagers looking into getting a Mac. I know that's unlikely, but...
    Anyways I hope that the MBPs get the processor update (and a new enclosure) very soon and I really hope the MBs and Mac Minis follow soon after.
    I don't get any reason for Apple not too, and I think with Intel it would be possible for Apple to get some cheaper computers out there. It would be nice, but seems unlikely.... *sighs*Refub 1.83GHz MacBooks Are Only $949.

    boost mobile galaxy prevail. Samsung Galaxy Prevail
  • Samsung Galaxy Prevail

  • Multimedia
    Aug 3, 01:18 AM
    But it's perfectly acceptable to round 1.67 down too, it's half way between 1.5 and 2. Also depends on the price of a Sidcrome socket set.

    I'll believe this 2x battery life bollocks when I see the results from the labs, not some chintzy marketing ploy by Intel.It's not a "chintzy marketing ploy by Intel". It's a scientific test conducted by two Intel Marketing engineers which I always believe because Intel employees are honest people with families and friends who love them. :)

    boost mobile galaxy prevail. Samsung-Galaxy-Prevail-
  • Samsung-Galaxy-Prevail-

  • macman312
    May 4, 08:41 PM
    pro: one less disc to keep track of. my family already lost my iWork disc.

    cons: what if i want to format the hard drive and restart from scratch? or even just archive and install? what if i completely replace my hard drive? what if i want to sell my mac and get a new one, would i retain the license or would the buyer get it? how would they reinstall the OS after I wipe the hard drive? how long is this going to take to download? will we be able and authorized to burn our own install DVDs from the downloaded software?

    No I doubt apple will let us burn our own CD's. Although it is possible. Also I have 4 computers I am planning to put lion on. If I have to download it on each computer it will use all of peoples internet usage up (say it is a 5GB download thats 5*4=20GB) although I have 1TB of usage that won't be a problem just a pain.
    SO apple please make it available at your stores and I will be in line on the day it comes out to update my new macbook pro
    @KnightWRX- The internet was barley out in the 90's let alone downloading software

    boost mobile galaxy prevail. Samsung Galaxy Prevail For
  • Samsung Galaxy Prevail For

  • Tomorrow
    May 3, 08:03 PM
    :confused: Not progress because you'd have to relearn something?

    You missed my point; it isn't progress because it's an enormous step backward. It's not the "learning something new" part, it's the "throwing away everything you already know."

    Mate, what progress would ever have been made if people always held to that argument? In the 80's/90's there were probably more than a few people in the design/publishing industry saying, 'Sorry, can't switch to Macs� Got 20 years experience rubbing Letraset down and maintaining my bromide machine.'

    I would see your point if switching everything to metric would actually make things more efficient, but it wouldn't. People who use Imperial units are already comfortable with it - the system already works, and isn't broken.

    boost mobile galaxy prevail. Boost Mobile official unveiled
  • Boost Mobile official unveiled

  • wclyffe
    Nov 18, 04:28 PM
    yes very true, I think i might stick with BLT as well, hard to beat 85, especially since i just learned that the new Magellan Car Kit will cost 129.99 :eek: and here we all were complaining about tomtom's I will say, just as i have stated before though, that it is still enticing to go to my local apple store and pick up a unit. I guess it all depends on if I go on some spur of the moment

    Yeah, I hear you. I hate waiting for orders to ship...I guess we get so use to items being in stock, and on their way the next day.

    Thought I'd post the Magellan car kit info for all to see:

    Magellan car kit detailed at FCC filing

    That was fast. We just learned Magellan was going to offer a car kit for the iPhone and it has already hit the FCC. has a detailed drawing of the new device, and it looks to be quite complete. Magellan has said the kit will be on sale before the end of the year, and even give the iPod touch full nav capabilities.

    The car kit is supposed to allow any iPhone GPS app to work with it, so you're not limited to the Magellan app. It works in portrait or landscape mode, and has a speaker for hearing directions and also link to your iPhone for Bluetooth based calls.

    The Magellan Roadmate app itself [iTunes link] has a boatload of good features, and we're anxious to get our hands on the app for a full test. Holiday travelers will have a lot of good choices for navigating to your destinations. Remember when we thought the plain old Google Maps app was cool?

    boost mobile galaxy prevail. Galaxy Prevail introduced by
  • Galaxy Prevail introduced by

  • sisyphus
    Sep 10, 11:42 PM
    Ignore, double post...

    boost mobile galaxy prevail. Samsung and Boost Mobile held
  • Samsung and Boost Mobile held

  • ohbrilliance
    Apr 7, 04:58 PM
    As a consumer I'm hoping that the Playbook (and others) are a success, so I have a choice between viable products.

    Being glad that RIM can't get into the market is like hoping your team wins because the other didn't turn up to the match.

    boost mobile galaxy prevail. Samsung Galaxy Prevail Appears
  • Samsung Galaxy Prevail Appears

  • srathi
    Apr 26, 02:14 PM
    Some will be bothered about IOS not being the most dominant. I personally don't care, I just want the best mobile OS.
    Did you mean Android? :p

    boost mobile galaxy prevail. The Samsung Galaxy Prevail has
  • The Samsung Galaxy Prevail has

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 11, 07:41 AM
    To treat this as a programming line or whatever is a simplification. People don't think / they think __ . That is how we should interpret this equation, leading to 288.

    Where did you get that I'm not in the 288 camp ? That is the proper answer, the equation is not ambiguous.

    Aug 7, 03:39 PM

    � $2,499 standard price of Mac Pro ($2,299 for Education)

    ��$2,124 is the lowest you can configure the Mac Pro ($1,962 for Education)

    ���To get it that low, you have to drop the processors from 2.66GHz to 2GHz and and the hard drive from 250GB to 160GB

    � Airport Extreme & Bluetooth 2.0 still not standard

    � Weak graphics card standard (GeForce 7300, ugh)

    and as a sidenote:

    � MacBook Pro & MacBook processors untouched

    � iMac untouched

    � iPod product line grows more stale by the day

    It was WWDC not MacWorld you know?

    May 4, 03:17 PM
    I'm sure it will be sold in store as well. I just can't see apple cutting Amazon & all the other apple resellers out of the deal.

    Apr 25, 09:09 AM
    I never understand these things.

    It's like asking a burger "did you steal anything?"

    The answer will either be silence or it will be no.

    I'm guessing silence, since burgers don't talk. ;)


    Mar 30, 09:12 PM
    I wish I had an extra $100 laying around.. I would get into the developer program!

    May 7, 10:25 AM
    I've always thought MobileMe should be a free service that comes as a benefit of owning a Mac. The usefulness of MobileMe just doesn't justify the $99 pricetag -- especially when other services offer something similar for free.

    While I agree, MobileMe is still in my eyes the best of the bunch. That's how they get away with charging $99/year. However, if it became free, they could really talk up how great owning a Mac is because of MobileMe.