5 dollar bill secrets

5 dollar bill secrets. the one dollar bill secrets.
  • the one dollar bill secrets.

  • ~Shard~
    Jul 15, 10:20 AM
    BTW, how's life, ~Shard~? :D

    Life's great, no complaints whatsoever. :)

    I also wish Apple used standard ATX power supplies. That way, if you need a new power suply, you can get one from your local electronics store.

    That would be nice as well. It would definitely increase the longevity of the Mac, since if you ever wanted to upgrade the P/S, or if it blew, it would be a lot easier to do so. Still possible the way it is of course, but this would probably result in less hassle.

    5 dollar bill secrets. those bland green ills.
  • those bland green ills.

  • bamerican
    Apr 25, 03:23 PM
    Where did this attorney go to law school...

    If you want a free consultation, check him out here (http://www.mayerlawgroup.com/).

    And one of the counts in the complaint doesn't even allege a civil claim.

    He's in way over his head. Apple's lawyers are going to eat him alive.

    This is going to be fun to watch.

    5 dollar bill secrets. $10 or $20 ill,
  • $10 or $20 ill,

  • Heilage
    Mar 1, 12:01 AM
    Heterosexual couples need to reserve sex for opposite-sex monogamous marriage. If I had a girlfriend, I might kiss her. But I wouldn't do that to deliberately arouse either of us. If either of us felt tempted to have sex with each other, the kissing would stop right away. I know of a woman who gave an excellent answer when men asked her why saved sex for marriage. She said, "I"m worth waiting for." She lived by her Catholic convictions, and she wouldn't risk letting any man use her as a mere object, as a mere tool.

    You can condemn me to Hell if you want to, I'm still gonna bump uglies with my girlfriend.

    On another note, please join us in the 21st century. Why is it so important to you what other people do? Wouldn't it be very crowded in Heaven if everyone did as you said?

    5 dollar bill secrets. 1 dollar bill secrets.
  • 1 dollar bill secrets.

  • daneoni
    Aug 22, 10:18 PM
    Yeah im not surprised. I went to my local store today and saw one in all its glory attached to a 30" ACD. It was VERY fast, system prefs launched in micro seconds, a meaty FCP project opened in less than 5 seconds same for Aperture & Logic, 1080p HD trailers were chewed and spit out using less than 10% of processing power. Totally amazing and best part...its very quiet. I played with a Quad G5 once and it sounded like a jet engine taking off.

    I defo want one but it'll cost me an arm and leg. Sigh...

    5 dollar bill secrets. dollar bill secrets mason. the
  • dollar bill secrets mason. the

  • nighthawk
    Jul 20, 09:58 AM
    My quadra still runs, I guess I'm the forth party to get it.

    This feels almost like an onion article:

    Home Computer Gives Birth to Octuple-Cores

    <enter photoshopped picture of a Mac Pro craddling its new born octuplets>

    My first job as a graphic designer I used an enhanced SE/30 (with 20" external monitor). About a year later we upgraded to the Quadras, so I guess that makes me #5?

    5 dollar bill secrets. Lot of 5 Secret Agent Spy
  • Lot of 5 Secret Agent Spy

    Aug 26, 05:18 PM
    One year ago I was being driven nuts by my three office Windows machines (one custom built, two compaqs). Relatively new machines but it was one damned thing after another. A virus here (with Norton installed) a corrupt file there, a dead hard drive here, a spyware infestation there...and then the anti-idiot Windows warnings at every turn (Are you sure you want to do that? Really really sure. Can't I talk you out of that?) I was at wit's end. I was reinstalling the operating system about every 6 to 9 months. I was convinced by a rep at compusa to try a mac. Now I have no windows machines and four macs. No longer do I wonder what new horror is going to happen and cause me endless hours to fix.

    I have had zero hardware problems, and of course, no problems with virus's etc. Life is good. I really think that my experience with windows machines is not all that uncommon. Apple stuff just seems better designed and built.

    I think that it is easy to forget just how much better (not perfect) this Apple stuff really is than the Windows world.

    5 dollar bill secrets. Federal reserve runs the third board, smash it, andapr jackie Counterfeit dollar answer aone myth is of has many secretseye You wish tomay , , isapr
  • Federal reserve runs the third board, smash it, andapr jackie Counterfeit dollar answer aone myth is of has many secretseye You wish tomay , , isapr

  • DJMastaWes
    Aug 27, 06:47 PM
    I don't think we're going to see Merom in the MacBook Pros tomorrow. Of course, I'm HOPEING. If they were annouced tomorrow, it would make not only my day, but my month! I've been waiting since June and was expecing it at WWDC. So I'm keeping my fingers crosses 100%. If the're annouced tomorrow, I'm going to order it withen the first 5 minuts of me finding out.

    Hopefully this will be my order.
    15" MacBook Pro
    2GB Ram
    256MB VRAM

    +BT Mighty Mouse (x2)
    BT Keyboard
    Some sort of bag for the MBP
    D-Link USB Bluetooth drive

    *Crosses fingers*

    5 dollar bill secrets. american 1 dollar bill spider.
  • american 1 dollar bill spider.

  • ergle2
    Aug 27, 10:36 PM
    Do you mean Vista Premium compliance? I'm pretty sure I've seen "Ready for Vista" stickers on plenty of current notebooks featuring GMA950 graphics, for example.

    And btw, I have to say "good job" to Apple for doing whatever was necessary to avoid having to put a bunch of goofy decals on their computers. The most amazing thing to me is the number of PC notebook users that leave all those stickers on (I've even seen some people leave the "features" stickers on).

    Looks like GMA950 is "good enough" for the Premium sticker. From what I'd read from Intel, it sounded like you needed X3000 if you wanted better than the "Compliance" sticker, but I guess Intel want to sell newer, more expensive chipsets ;)

    Still, based on what I've read about it thus far, if I had to have one, I'd rather have GMA950. Tho' right now I lean towards not buying anything that lacks discrete graphics.

    As for stickers... I don't really care, to be honest. They just peel off anyway. Probably a win for Apple purely because the lack of them looks much "cleaner" for the demo models in the store, and I doubt the majority of people take any notice of them. Most won't even know what they mean, I suspect.

    5 dollar bill secrets. 20 DOLLAR BILL SECRETS

  • thebeans
    Apr 27, 10:04 AM
    A lot of people are upset over this. But, no one seems to care that the US Government can snoop on any electronic communication it wants for well over 10 years now: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Echelon_(signals_intelligence)

    Data transmissions, cell phone calls, you name it. I think we're trying to cook the wrong goose if you ask me.

    When I was in college we got a new professor. He had retired from the Navy. Intelligence division actually. His job during his last years in NI was to monitor email communications. Yea, he read your email. Not literally every one of course and there were (are) many, many working on this but in a nutshell, yes the government does read your email. Do I care? Nope. Got nothing to hide and if they want to read emails of me asking my wife what she wants for supper or telling her how my day went, what do I care?

    5 dollar bill secrets. 100 dollar bill secrets.
  • 100 dollar bill secrets.

  • Ace25
    Aug 26, 04:10 PM
    I am now pretty sure that new MacBooks are being released in the next few days.
    I ordered one on the 17th of august and it was scheduled to ship on the 24th of august. Then for some reason it was bumped to a new ship date of august 31st, just enough time to drop a new merom processor in it!

    5 dollar bill secrets. dollar bill secrets illuminati
  • dollar bill secrets illuminati

  • epitaphic
    Sep 13, 10:53 AM
    What about Tigerton (2007)? Isn't that a "true" quad?

    Intel has two lines of Xeon processors:

    * The 5000 series is DP (dual processor, like Woodcrest, Clovertown)
    * The 7000 series MP (multi processor - eg 4+ processors)

    Tigerton is supposed to be an MP version of Clovertown. Meaning, you can have as many chips as the motherboard supports, and just like Clovertown its an MCM (two processors in one package). 7000's are also about 5-10x the price of 5000's.

    So unless the specs for Tigerton severely change, no point even considering it on a Mac Pro (high end xserve is plausible).

    5 dollar bill secrets. File:FiveDollarBillInfrared.
  • File:FiveDollarBillInfrared.

  • xStep
    Apr 11, 04:23 PM
    Yes, its crap. The first version followed the basic principles of NLE but the new version is pathetic.

    However, Randy came up with FCP for Macromedia so he has what it takes if Jobs and other consumer oriented guys can keep their ***** away from the mix.

    LOL! OK, so the new generation of iMovie isn't compatible with you. I like the new iMovie. Sure it has it's quirks and a different take on the editing process, but I'm compatible with it and FCP.

    Randy's experiment that turned into the new iMovie was a tool to allow him to quickly skim through his personal content for use in Final Cut. Apparently, other powers that be, when seeing it, thought it a good base for a new consumer video editor. I don't recall it being publicly shared how much influence came from others for the new iMovie. Other's influence has been assumed, except for idiots who want to personally attack Randy.

    5 dollar bill secrets. Purple Five-Dollar Bills
  • Purple Five-Dollar Bills

  • john123
    Sep 19, 09:33 AM
    Addressing larger RAM partitions is not the #1 advantage for me. I will not be putting >4GB of memory into my laptop. And I suspect it is not the #1 advantage for most of the people posting in this thread. If you don't like the subject matter of this thread, then don't read it. Simple as that.

    You're so wrong. Most people posting in this thread don't have a clue what 64 bit computing really means. They just think they have to have it because it's the newest thing.

    5 dollar bill secrets. New $100 Dollar Bill
  • New $100 Dollar Bill

  • skunk
    Aug 6, 01:45 PM
    Um, http://tess2.uspto.gov/bin/showfield?f=doc&state=odbjam.2.2Apple is described as an "Applicant".

    5 dollar bill secrets. A well-worn one-dollar bill
  • A well-worn one-dollar bill

  • Roessnakhan
    Mar 22, 12:51 PM
    All formidable looking tablets, it is indeed the year of the tablet, and glad they're becoming price competitive too.

    5 dollar bill secrets. one dollar bill secrets.
  • one dollar bill secrets.

  • Chaszmyr
    Jul 27, 09:36 AM
    All of the reviews of the Core 2 Duo say that it crushes AMD in the desktop arena. This is good news, now we just need new iMacs, MacBook Pros, and Mac Pros.

    5 dollar bill secrets. dollar bill secrets illuminati
  • dollar bill secrets illuminati

  • portishead
    Apr 12, 02:44 AM
    Are you saying you would prefer they give it the ability to use more memory before they give it the ability to use more processing cores? Because that's the only thing 64bit is going to give you.

    Yes, it does most of what I "need", but the competition does most of them better. Final Cut used to be cutting edge, now it's slow, inefficient and buggy.

    Naw, memory too. There's probably a lot I left out, it was just a quick list off the top of my head.

    5 dollar bill secrets. 1-Dollar Bill Has Its Secrets
  • 1-Dollar Bill Has Its Secrets

  • Island Dog
    Mar 26, 08:14 AM
    I wish the pre-orders would go up already.

    5 dollar bill secrets. 1 dollar bill secrets
  • 1 dollar bill secrets

  • j_maddison
    Aug 26, 06:58 PM
    It's not really that.

    It's just that the joke is soooo done. Played out.

    It's time to turn the page.

    I never found it funnny in the first place. But then again I never found it funny a few years back when everyone was going around going WAAAZZZ UPPP! :eek: Cause it was on the budweiser advert :)

    Apr 11, 02:24 PM
    This is good for me because I waited forever due to wanting a white iphone, and so I didn't upgrade until the fall time frame. Now I won't have to see how awesome the iphone 5 is while not being able to upgrade! :).

    Aug 17, 05:32 AM
    They are comparing a 2 generations old G5 (Dual 2,5) versus a new Intel (Quad 2,6) which is not even the fastest out there. What kind of comparison is that?

    If you want to know what is the fastest Mac, the comparison is no good. If you want to know whether you should upgrade your machine, the comparison makes a lot of sense. First, the 2.66 GHz Quad has the best price/performance ratio. If you start with the 2.0 GHz, you get 666 MHz more for $300, then you get another 333 MHz for a mere $800. So if you want to upgrade, the 2.66 is _the_ machine to buy. Second, there will be much less difference between a Quad G5 and a Quad Xeon. On performance critical Rosetta applications (like Photoshop) the Quad G5 will be stronger. In that case, it doesn't matter how much stronger - you won't upgrade, that is all that matters. But if you have a dual G5, then the question whether to upgrade or not is really interesting.

    And we need to know whether apps use four cores or not. In many cases, changing from two threads to four threads is very easy (that is if all the threads to the same work; it is much harder if the threads do different work), but the app uses only two threads because most machines had only two CPUs. As an example, early versions of Handbrake didn't gain anything from Quad G5s; the CPUs were 50% idle all the time. People complained, and it was changed. The same thing will happen again, especially since _all_ Mac Pros have four cores.

    Mar 22, 07:49 PM
    This is just a preview of the future, Android based tablets will clean the iPads clock. Apple made the so-called iPad 2 as a 1.5. Low res camera, not enough RAM, and low res screen. It's going to be a verrrry long 2012 for Apple. Sure it's selling like hot cakes now, but when buyers see tablets that they don't have to stand inline for, that have better equipment and are cheaper ... Apples house of cards will come crashing down around them.

    The only strength that Apple has is the app ecosystem; which is why they are going after Amazon for spiting on the sidewalk. They know the world of hurt coming their way.

    LOL! I love your back handed sense of humor!

    I mean really? It's so obvious consumers don't give a crap about anything you list. And anyone who knows trademarks know, Apple had to submit a cease letter to Amazon for the use of "App Store" or they're application for it is worthless.

    You've called "fail" at every corner and NONE of them have come true yet.

    Sep 19, 12:54 PM
    I'm kinda glad they didn't release the macbook pro's today. All that means, if they are released next week, it will be more than just a minor update :-D Here's to hoping!

    I don't know if that's proof or a reason enough to think they'll have more than a chip drop-in, but I'm certainly hoping that it does get announced, and that you're right. :)

    Mar 31, 02:47 PM
    Smartphone OS, yes (iPhone vs. Android phones).

    iOS as whole (iPads + iPods + iPhones + Apple TV) kills Android numbers though. By LARGE margins.

    Fixed that! :D

    If Apple FAD goes away, where will Google copy from next?

    You are delusional if you think Google is not building upon the Apple FAD.

    If there's any truth to the Google Android prototype phone being Blackberry-like, then Google is merely pulling a Microsoft by copying Apple's success. Otherwise, why wouldn't Google have continued down that path?